About Collective Agreements
Collective agreements are widely used in Sweden to regulate the relationship between employers and employees. They cover terms of employment, working conditions, and negotiation procedures.
IKEM svarar på OpO:s hemställan: ”Högt, men hanterbart”
Collective agreements are widely used in Sweden to regulate the relationship between employers and employees. They cover terms of employment, working conditions, and negotiation procedures.
Central Agreements: Signed between national employer federations and national trade unions, regulating co-determination, negotiation procedures, and general labour market conditions. These agreements provide the framework for employment terms within an industry.
Local Agreements: Complement central agreements, regulating specific employment terms at a company or workplace level. Negotiated between individual employers and local trade unions, they address company or workplace-specific conditions such as wages, working hours, and other employment terms.
Member of IKEM? Find your Collective Agreements here.
IKEM members receive expert support on employment law and collective agreement interpretation from our Employers’ helpline.