EU Agenda for competitiveness and transition
The innovation and chemical industries are crucial for competitiveness and the green transition.
The innovation and chemical industries intend to lead the green transition. To succeed in this, it is necessary that it is at least as beneficial to invest in Sweden as in other regions of the world and that we as an industry strengthen our global competitiveness and continue to attract investments. IKEM currently account for about a third of the industrial emissions of carbon dioxide in Sweden and is thus extremely important for the green transition and for Sweden’s ability to achieve its climate goals.
The task for the member states, the EU Commission and the European Parliament in the coming years is to create the conditions that the globally competing Europan industry needs to be able to invest and successfully make the transition to climate neutrality. This at a time when large subsidy programmes for the green transition are being rolled out in both China and the USA and with a new geopolitical reality with war in Europe’s neighborhood and distruptions in world trade.
IKEM has drawn up an EU agenda where we address the challenge in four prioritized perspectives with proposals for measures that we want to discuss with our important decision makers in both Sweden and Brussels.
Competitiveness is the motor of transition
In order for IKEM:s member companies to be successful in their transition and to be able to help society become more sustainable, they must be globally competitive. In order to achieve this, a number of prerequisites need to be in place:
- We need to promote the recycling of waste, the recycling of carbon dioxide, and the use of bio-based raw materials.
- We need to develop new safe and sustainable chemicals more efficiently and quickly.
- We need to increase the supply of skills and strengthen the free movement of labour.
- We need to ensure that Europe is and remains an attractive place to invest.

Mikael Möller
Chef IKEM Bryssel / Director EU Public Affairs