Understanding Collective Agreements

Collective agreements are widely used in Sweden to regulate the relationship between employers and employees. They cover terms of employment, working conditions, and negotiation procedures.

Types of Collective Agreements

  • Central Agreements: Signed between national employer federations and national trade unions, regulating co-determination, negotiation procedures, and general labour market conditions. These agreements provide the framework for employment terms within an industry.

  • Local Agreements: Complement central agreements, regulating specific employment terms at a company or workplace level. Negotiated between individual employers and local trade unions, they address company or workplace-specific conditions such as wages, working hours, and other employment terms.

IKEM’s Collective Agreements

  • Blue-collar agreements: IKEM has nine industry-specific agreements with IF Metall. Covers employment terms, wages, working hours, and benefits.
  • White-collar agreement: Covers employment terms, wages, working hours, and benefits, negotiated with Ledarna, Unionen, Sveriges Ingenjörer, and Naturvetarna.

Member of IKEM? Find your Collective Agreements here

Key Aspects of Collective Agreements

  1. Mandatory Effect: Individual employment contracts cannot override collective agreements unless explicitly permitted.
  2. Peace Obligation: Strikes and lockouts are prohibited during the contract period.
  3. Fixed Terms: Agreements typically last 2–4 years, binding on both unions and employers.
  4. Right to Negotiate: Both employers and unions have the legal right—and duty—to negotiate. However, there is no obligation to reach an agreement.

Need Assistance?

IKEM members receive expert support on employment law and collective agreement interpretation from our Employers’ helpline.